Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Master Bedroom Follow-Up.

I'm sure you have questions from the first post. They probably are:  Why were those curtain rods on the ceiling? What are they for?  Are they an elaborate sex swing hook-up?  What is happening at that house?

I will explain everything.  But let me put this out there: It's not a sex swing. 

It begins with an innocent Pinterest search.  I was looking for master bedroom ideas and Pinterest came through.  If you aren't already a Pinterest subscriber, I would suggest you close this blog post, (I don't mind), and request a Pinterest account.  It does take awhile, mine took a week, but it's worth it.  Here's the inspiration picture:


This is the image I showed my husband.  I told him I wasn't interested in the decor or the bedding, just the canopy.  I loved it. I thought it was interesting and easy.  I bought the supplies at Ikea and set them aside.  I knew once I got the bedroom painted, I would make this happen.  My husband wasn't so sure.  His exact response was "Huh. That's interesting."  The DIY kiss of death.  I knew I would have to sneak this one in.  Luckily, I don't have a job and he does.  I have all day to be sneaky.  So that's what I did.


My version is a little more my style.  It sticks out a third of the way from the wall so it feels substantial but the curtains are a tiny bit sheer.  And when I sleep under it, it makes the bed very cozy.  I love it!  But best of all: My husband told me to say that he was 100% behind this idea all along.  Meaning: He likes it!  Hurray!

PS- I apologize for the rumpled bedding.  One of the cats was very interested in making himself cozy under the canopy.



  1. I may be stealing this idea...just letting you know now.

  2. Steal away my friend. I stole it in the first place! Lol.


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