Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Unsung Hero.

This isn't the most glamorous home improvement I've ever done but it is one of the most rewarding.  Coincidentally it's also one of the cheapest and easiest!

I've noticed that this improvement has been lurking in a bunch of photos I've posted on here already. Do you think you can spot what I'm talking about?

I don't think it's super obvious, but it's the register cover!

Here's what I was working with:

Not only am I showing off my old, ugly gold registers, you also get the pleasure of seeing my dirty floors!  Lucky. There is a method to my madness....see how the register is curved? It sticks up about 3/4 of an inch and it makes it nearly impossible to run the vacuum cleaner over top and get the gunk against the wall. It was sooo frustrating.

I had about 8 really, really ugly registers spread around the house.  I finally got fed up enough to start looking for replacements.  I hit up the usual big box stores and was amazed at what I found.  The exact same style in chrome was between 13-14 dollars. Each.  That would run me well over one hundred dollars.  Brutal.

I resigned myself to replacing them slowly, one at a time.  Until I hit the mother load.  I was cruising around Costco looking for something unrelated when I noticed that they were selling register covers (as an aside....is there anything Costco won't try to sell?).  They were chrome, in an interesting design and sold in a two-pack..................

For 9.99!!! 

9.99 for two. 

Two register covers for nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. 

Holy crap!  I immediately grabbed four packages and threw them in my cart (along with a pair of yoga pants, some wine, a tub of mayo and some flower bulbs....as I said Costco covers all of my day to day needs) and ran to the front of the store.  And here's what they look like close-up:

I am so happy with them! They're so stylish. And the best part? They barely stick up from the floor so I can vacuum right over them!  Beautiful.

This is going to blow your minds.  Ready?  I actually bought these a couple of months ago and on my latest trip to Costco I noticed that the exact same registers were......5.99 for a two-pack.  Three dollars a register!  Unbelievable.  I'm a little frustrated that I paid 9.99 for them, but what a great deal for everyone else! 

I'm taking orders...with a 20% finder's fee.  Lol.



  1. ooh! fancy register covers are one of those things I LOVE but can't justify the cost of from Home Depot. I might just have to make an unscheduled Costco trip soon!

  2. Sweet find! Love those unexpected bargains in the most bizarre places.

  3. I have been eyeing these (or something very similar) in oil rubbed bronze, but they are $12 - $15 a pop! Great find! I wonder if they will carry some in Sam's Club?


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