Monday, April 2, 2012

Thrifty Find......Monday?

That title isn't as alliterative as Thrifty Find Friday but as promised, I'm back with more of the treasures that have been coming home with me these past few weeks.

I found this next beauty at an estate sale.  I love estate sales because it seems to me that the stuff being sold is a little higher quality than your regular yard sale.

This basket was hidden outside with a bunch of other woven baskets. I think the previous owner used it as a planter because it was covered with dirt and cobwebs.  I was undeterred.

I love the woven pattern and the turquoise color.  The handles are metal and a little roughed up but that just adds to its charm.  And it's big!  About twelve inches high and 16 inches wide.  Eventually I'm going to use it to hold blankets but for right now it's a space filler on my wall o' shelves.

Man, I still have a lot of work to do with these shelves. 

Happy Monday!


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