Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Where I've been

It kills me not to post here.  Well, it doesn't literally kill me, but it does make me feel like a slacker.  But if you've read my "About Me" section (or if you're related to me) you know that I work for five months a year.  What you don't know (unless, again, you're related to me) is that I work away from home.  Away from my lovely home, my husband, my cats,  DIY, and all things crafty.

Okay, it's not as dire as I made it sound.  First off, I am a shift worker, so I work 5 days on, 3 days off.  That means I do get to go home for three (sometimes four) days at a time. Not too bad. At least that's what I repeat to myself when I'm leaving for work.  Lol. (also *sob*)

And secondly,  this is my office:

Well, it's the view from my office.

Some days it looks like this:

A lot of days it looks like this...

Rain, rain, rain.  Rainy, rain, rain.

But some days, it could also look like this:

I have an amazing job, in an amazing location, with amazing people.  But unfortunately that job makes it tricky for me to keep up with this blog.  There will be posts.  But they won't be consistent.  I have things that I plan on doing but most days, when I'm home, all I want to do is relax and hang out with my hubby and my cats.  And weed the garden. Well I never WANT to weed the garden but it's one on of the few outdoor activities I feel qualified to

I'm not leaving here, I'm just making sure you know where my head is at.....



  1. hi - i recognize the city and buildings - and i live nearby - i would like to know where you got the log furniture that is shown on your verandah of what i assume is your home. Thank you - cuz it's hard to find that type of furniture on the "wet side" of the mountains. ps i might try the recent bulletin board project you showed on your blog.

  2. I hate to disappoint...but my husband made all of it. I keep telling him that he needs to start selling it but for now it's only available to a very exclusive clientele. Me. Haha. Good luck with the bulletin board. It's really, really simple to do.

  3. The blog is absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog,looking forward for more contents...Great job, keep it up.

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