Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Bedroom - And My First Official Post

I'd been agonizing over my bedroom for awhile.  I painted it when we first moved in, but it wasn't doing it for me. I ran with the idea that you need a "feature wall." I painted most of the room a really, really soft grey, which turned out to be a really, really soft peach/grey. WTF?  Then one wall was done in a dark, striking grey. I loved the feature wall.  The rest of it?  Mmmm...not so much!  Here's an example of the it was......

Shoot, there's paint swatches on the wall.  I kind of gave away the ending, lol. I also apologize for the quality of the photos, but we only get so much natural light in the Pacific Northwest.  I wish the lighting showed the truly peachiness of the lighter color.  It's pretty dainty! And if you know me....that's not my thing!  Not even a little bit. Lol.

Anyways....I heard Nate "the Love of My Decorating Life" Berkus say he doesn't like feature walls.  He says that if you like the color, don't be shy!!! That stuck with me.  I get how feature walls have their place, but in this case, I should just DO IT! Just take the plunge.  Just suck it up. Just paint the walls. 

So I did.

Oddly enough, I didn't paint the whole room the color I originally loved.  That color was "Grey Squirrel" by Behr. 

I decided instead to seek out my perfect grey.  MY perfect grey.  Not too blue, not too green; not too light, not too dark.  Just right.  For someone that who has been a life-long brunette, I was a little like Goldilocks.   

Finally, finally, finally (I added the last "finally" for my husband's sake....the poor bastard; he patiently awaited the final decision). 

It was......................drumroll please.........................................

Stamped Concrete by Sherwin Williams.  It is the perfect grey.  Not too dark, but dark enough to make a statement.  I love it.

So here it is.  In its beauty. In my bedroom.

Please ignore the rods in the first picture.  There's more info on that to come.....

The ceiling looks just as grey as the walls.  I can assure you, that's not true.  The ceiling is as pure as the driven snow. It's white as white can be. Did I mention the Pacific Northwest's lighting issue?  Just thought I'd bring that up again. Lol.

I love the color so, so, so, so much.  It is the perfect grey/blue.  Mostly grey, barely blue.  I highly recommened it.

That's it for now.  Stay tuned for the reason why the curtain rods are on the ceiling.

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice..I love the contrast with the white molding...good pick!


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