Friday, January 27, 2012

Thrifty Find Friday.

Happy almost weekend!  I have a busy one planned with a trip to Ikea, a boat show and house guests.  Should be a blast.

This post is a little more "crafty" than I usually go. But the end result is fabulous and I love it.

I picked up a couple of square white bowls and a little plant pot from Goodwill specifically with this project in mind.  I spent .99 cents per bowl and 2.00 for the plant pot.  I usually wouldn't spend so much but I really wanted to try this.....

I also picked up some ribbon and lace at Wal-Mart and some Modge Podge at Joann's. 

This project was a wee bit tedious.  Basically, you brush on some Modge Podge, then put whatever you're using on top of the glue.  Then brush another coat of Modge Podge over top.  Eventually it dries and holds the ribbon or lace in place.  The problem I had was the zig-zag ribbon was so light that every time I brushed it, it moved.  Eventually I taped it down, let the middle dry, and then removed the tape and glued the edges. It took a little while longer that way, but it kept me from tearing my hair out!

I did two different patterns and I am really happy with the results.

I'm not sure what I'm going to use them for, but they sure make me happy!

And the plant pot got some love too.  I used lace on it, and it was soooo much easier!

I purposefully only glued down the middle so the edges ruffle out a bit. 

Budget Breakdown:
Containers: 4.00
Ribbon/lace: 2.50
Modge Podge: 4.00 (I used a coupon)
Total: 10.50*
*I still have a ton of ribbon, lace and Modge Podge left, so if you already had this stuff on hand, I would say the total cost would be next to nothing.

I have a huge white bowl that's kind of plain.  I'm thinking it may get this treatment sometime in the future........


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1 comment:

  1. So cute and spring like-following you from Kate's party-stop by for a visit!


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